Mister Hitches Tow Bar Tongue Rubber Shin Protector


The Tow Bar Tongue Shin Protector is a safety feature that helps prevent accidents and injuries when working around your tow bar hitch. It provides a cushioning effect, adding to the safety and convenience of your towing setup.


  • Compatibility: This protector is designed to fit most tow bar tongues or hitches, making it versatile and suitable for various towing setups.
  • Safety: Its primary purpose is to help prevent injury to your shin when you accidentally bump into or brush against a protruding tow bar hitch. These hitches can be sharp and potentially cause painful injuries, so the protector serves as a cushion.
  • Ease of Installation: It's easy to fit and install. Simply position it under your tow ball or hitch. This is a simple and straightforward process, making it a practical addition to your towing setup.
  • Durable Material: The protector is made from durable rubber, which can withstand exposure to the elements and is designed to be long-lasting.
Brand Mr Hitches